Repair Media Cliffnotes: April 2019
This month’s themes: Right to Repair hits a national stage and trailblazing repair entrepreneurs earn some local interest headlines.
This month’s themes: Right to Repair hits a national stage and trailblazing repair entrepreneurs earn some local interest headlines.
Repair Reflections: PRF’s Sara Quinn has a broken film camera.
ReBuilding Center Lead Instructor Sam Serling-Sutton shares his community wisdom.
No time to read it all? No problem.
Repair Reflections: PRF’s Joel Newman considers how to design things so they want to be repaired
In 2017, her business squeezed by rising rents in the Alberta District, cobbler Julie Derrick happened upon a unique opportunity
We visited Portland’s four tool lending libraries. Here’s what to expect.
Repair Reflections: PRF’s Molly Simas considers pizza, innovation, and different languages of value.
When it comes to compensation for his work repairing KitchenAids, Brett Stern has a unique perspective.
“Refurbish” may be a ridiculous word, but it is definitely the prettiest member of the repair family.
We’re all adults here.
Fifteen minutes after the start of last Saturday’s Repair Cafe, the waiting area was already half full
A legislative battle is being fought over access to parts, tools, and technical information required for repair work.
Marshall is a technician who works on high-end pianos, and focuses on grand piano playing actions
Portland’s repair shops have been disappearing for the last 60 years. There’s now less than a sixth of the 1955 level.
Carly moved to Portland in 2014 and answered a Craigslist ad for a masonry laborer.
Momoko Saunders moved to Portland in 2005 and couldn’t find a community bike shop, so she started one.
“When people find out they can repair something, they get really excited about it” says Cindy Correll, one of Portland Repair Cafe’s co-founders.
When cobblers describe people, they start with the feet. Cobbler Bill’s founding story is one about ill-fitting shoes told by Bill’s wife, Maria.
Brian is a jack-of-all-trades maker and repairer at Dignity Village, a tiny house community for houseless people near the Portland airport.