Essential Repairs
We submit two projects to two local repairers and take a look at their experience being essential under a pandemic, including how they’ve pivoted business practices to stay safe and stay afloat.
We submit two projects to two local repairers and take a look at their experience being essential under a pandemic, including how they’ve pivoted business practices to stay safe and stay afloat.
Ethical consumption under COVID-19.
Open for business, covid or no: Kyndall Nelson of KnarlyKnart will mend your jeans for “cash, trade, or bourbon.”
Local businesses closing their doors, cutting hours and laying off workers has the potential to disrupt the fabric of our community in a way that can’t be easily repaired. Let’s look out for each other in these strange times.
January is naturally a month spent turning our thoughts toward what’s to come in the year ahead, but 2020 is a different kind of beginning altogether. It stretches our gaze […]
Your car emits tons of data and there’s a fight over who gets it! Phones remain challenging to repair for a variety of software and hardware reasons! The Green Party […]
In recent weeks, Right to Repair has carved a winding path from Washington, D.C., to the literal other side of the earth, to the bins at our collective curb.
This week(ish) in repair: iFixit teardowns caused waves, governments had mixed thoughts about repair legislation, and car repair got a fancy facelift.
Repair Reflections: PRF’s Sara Quinn wants a repairable wardrobe.
In a world where phone upgrades are abundantly available, choosing instead to service your device can be a quiet revolution.
Upcoming repair-related events for the month of October 2019.
From corporate to community scale, here are the repair stories we read in September.
Repair Reflections: PRF’s Joel Newman takes a closer look at where a promising concept fell short.
Libraries: the coolest places to spend time since the dawn of civilization.
What’s the recent word in repair? Here’s snapshots of what we’ve been reading over the past month.
Upcoming repair-related events for the month of September 2019.
Rain Delisle, founder of Indigo Proof Denim Repair, shares her thoughts on magic and labor.
Upcoming repair-related events for the month of August 2019.
Repair Reflections: PRF’s Molly Simas considers the pitfalls of striving for less and the opportunity in reaching for more.
Three chain stores in the Portland area collaborate with a local business to offer their customers convenient and trustworthy repairs.
Over the years, Mountain Soles and Outdoor Threads has fine-tuned their structure and practices in response to the needs of an ever-changing industry. Here are some insights into how these […]
“You do not need any prior knowledge about tools,” they said. “Just come on in if you want to help out,” they said.
Drea Johnson, founder of Hidden Opulence Design House, uses her repair skills to help garments live their longest and best lives.
Repair Reflections: PRF’s Joel Newman doesn’t think the recycle symbol is always helpful.